Established in 2015, The Charitable Foundation, Rotary Club of Wellington was formed to receive bequests and other gifts. Within the constraints imposed by donors and the tax laws, the Foundation supports charitable and educational community projects and the charitable activities of the Club.
Mission Statement
The Charitable Foundation, Rotary Club of Wellington, is the fundraising and granting entity of the Rotary Club of Wellington. Its primary mission is to fund community programs, in Wellington and the surrounding area of Prince Edward County, which benefit disadvantaged residents in the areas of health, education, social development and life enrichment. It also funds and contributes, from time to time, to international Rotary projects which promote education, clean water and sanitation, immunization and maternal health, and social development.
The Rotary Club of Wellington's charitable foundation offers an attractive alternative for many individuals and families who are interested in charitable donations to worthy causes in Wellington and the surrounding area of Prince Edward County. Please contact our Foundation Chair, Phyo Kyi, via this website for more information.
Charitable Number: 825322373 RR0001